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  /  Complaints and Appeal

Making a complaint 

Rockford College is committed to providing a fair and transparent complaints and appeals process that includes access to an independent external body if required. To make a complaint or an appeal, you are requested to complete one of the following forms;

Making an appeal

An appeal must be received by Rockford College in writing using the Rockford College Request to Appeal a Decision form within seven working days of the decision or finding being informed to the person. Students are required to provide all supporting documents to support their appeal.

These forms are available via our website

Once you have completed the required form you are requested to submit this to the Student Support Officer either via post or email;

Student Support officer

Rockford College

Level 3, 633 Princess Highway Rockdale NSW 2216


P: 02 8593 5200

Further details are provided in Student Handbook.

A person who makes a complaint/appeal shall be provided with a written acknowledgement as soon as possible and not later than 24 hours from the time the complaint/appeal is received. This acknowledgement is intended to provide the person making a complaint/ appeal, an assurance that Rockford College has received the complaint/appeal and will review the relevant issues and provide a response. The acknowledgement shall also inform the person making a complaint/ appeal that they will receive a written response within 14 working days.

If a student is facing any difficulty accessing the required form or submitting their complaint or appeal to Rockford College, they are advised to contact immediately at the following phone number: +61 2 85935200.