There are three types of AQF certificates that Rockford College can issue.
Statement of Attainment
A statement of attainment recognises that one or more accredited units has been achieved. A statement of attainment is generally issued when the student has achieved one or more units of competency as a result of completing a course which included units of competency only or where the student achieved one or more units of competency as part of an enrolment in a qualification based course but the student did not achieve all of the units of competency to receive the full qualification.
An AQF qualification is the result of a student achieving the units of competency for a qualification outcome as specified in an endorsed training package or an accredited course. A qualification is a formal certification that a student has achieved learning outcomes as described in the AQF. Technically within the AQF a qualification is comprised of a testamur and a record of results. A testamur is the actual official certification document that confirms that a qualification has been awarded to an individual. In Australia a testamur may also be referred to as an ‘award’, ‘parchment’, ‘laureate’ or ‘certificate’. Within this policy, it is referred to as a qualification or an AQF qualification.
Record of Results
A record of results is a record of all achieved units of competency leading to an AQF qualification. In Australia this may also be referred to as a ‘transcript of results’, ‘academic transcript’, ‘record of achievement’ or ‘statement of results’. A record of results can be issued at any time during a student’s enrolment and is often used to provide a student with a formal notification of their current progress in a course in which they are enrolled. A record of results is also issued with a testamur or AQF qualification to specify the units of competency that were issued to the student as part of the achievement of the qualification.